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Thijs Westerbeek em studio gallery


23 sep. – 29 sep. 2022 from 12-18h

opening saturday from 16:00 – 22:00, 24 september


Frederik Groos is a tree hugger.
Through the natural landscape, through “hugging” trees in particular, we feel connected to the original design of the world. Paradoxically, to express this connection, we use language and images, which, uniquely human, creates distance from the natural world. Creating images and uttering names are ritual acts, resulting in icons of worship that reflect on our inevitable exile. Original Sin is his work’s central motif, resulting in a series of paintings depicting the pendulum of growth and decay in striking detail. Thus he paints the tree of knowledge one picture at a time.

Thijs Westerbeek em studio gallery


9 / 10 / 11 september 2022
opening saturday from 16:00 – 22:00, 10 


South African/ Dutch abstract art photographer Olivier Calkoen has perfected his style through self-exploration.
Inspired by the beauty in nature, Olivier aims to fuel people’s imaginations through making normally unseen environments visible to the naked eye.
Olivier explores self-made macro and abstract worlds as well as the conceptual beauty in everyday life, from crystals to minerals and metals. This website is a showcase of his best work.
Olivier: ‘’Using a macro lens allows you to explore beyond what we perceive as reality, opening up a whole new world of artistry.’



Thijs Westerbeek em studio gallery


16 sep. – 18 sep. 2022 from 12-18h
OPENING with Cocktails from 17:00h 


Brings out the beauty of the stone by simplifying shapes as much as possible with few or no details, less is more.

Adriana Landzaad & Rudolph van Rosmalen

2 sep. – 4 sep. 2022 from 12-18h
OPENING Saturday 3 september 
from 16:00h – 18:00h


ADRIANA LANDZAAD – drawings, paintings
After the observation of a form or situation, that has my attention and is memorized, I put down, in an artistic way the feeling it gave to me.
I work on my intuition without a plan. Drawing is for me very pure and essential. Painting, mixed media and objects getting, slowly form, during the process of creation.

Lives and works in Holland and Spain


RUDOLPH VAN ROSMALEN – jewelery, sculpturs
My forms and jewels originate, partly, through the material. I don’t use a drawning. In my jewelery, with feathers, I show my poetic side. In my rings I’m surching for monumentality. Bracelet are often a combination of materials or they get shape because they are unusual materials.

Lives and works in Holland and Spain. 

Thijs Westerbeek em studio gallery


July 22 – 29,  2022 

Slávka Krátká was born in 1961. She studied construction engineering – designing, and she worked in the field for a number of years. Besides her profession, nevertheless, she also pursued drawing. When she had met her future husband, academic painter Lubomír Krátký, more than twenty-seven years ago, she started to deal in greater detail with the technique of drawing and later also painting, with his help. She decided for working with acrylic paints.

In her graphic art, her first inclination was mostly to cubism and abstract art. Over time, however, her work got more and more closer to naive style, which is most typical for Slávka Krátká.

She first introduced her paintings to the public four years ago at an exhibition in Prague, and she immediately noted unusual success. She captivated both Czech and foreign visitors. Her work is represented in private collections in Europe, the USA, Canada or Australia.

The paintings of Slávka Krátká also caught the attention of many world galleries. In 2019 she showed her paintings at an exhibition in Milan and Hong Kong. In 2020 she showed her paintings in Prague and Berlin. In 2021 she was represented in the Embassy Row in Washington DC with Ambassador of the Czech Republic Hynek Kmoníček and in 2023 she is planning to prepare exhibitions in Macao and for great success again in Hong Kong.




27 / 28 / 29 may 2022
opening 16:00 – 22:00, 28 may

Marloes Bomers is a painter and also draws en works with ink, collage and mixed media. She works from perception as well as from imagination. In her work her feelings and thinking with both head and hands come together. It comes forth out of her fascinations and wonder and she embraces serendipity. She looks for interesting and often whimsical forms that can also represent other forms. She works in series where she starts figuratively with a subject to end up with more abstract work by enlarging or reducing or by omitting more and more.
You are welcome to experience her work during the exhibition.


Vr installation

06 may – 09 may.  2022 from 12-18h
OPENING 07 may at 17:00h


My artist name is Sleepwalker. I graduated from MA art and science (Fine art) in Central Saint Martins in UK. I love to make real-time interactive installations which combine with multimedia such as VR, AR and projection mapping. My intention is to let the audience have a strong perception of fractal feedback loop of themselves and interact with them.

nulle part ailleurs / nergens anders
bart oomes, salimah gablan, maarten kools 

8 / 9 / 10 april 2022
soft opening 16:00 – 20:00, 8 april
opening 16:00 – 22:00, 9 april

Je wordt niet bedrogen door je ogen in deze expositie, toch wil je tweemaal kijken. nulle part ailleurs/nergens anders gaat over waar realisme surrealisme wordt. Wat je ziet is precies wat het is, maar wat is het?


Bart Oomes
De fascinatie voor het onverwachte en de schoonheid van de ontregeling is de grote drijfveer in zijn werk. Of het nu gaat om het vertellen van een absurd verhaal, ingrijpen in de werkelijkheid met chirurgische precisie of het beeldhouwen van zijn stills met grote finesse; er is altijd deze vraag: “Waar kijk ik eigenlijk naar?”‘

Salimah Gablan

Een gevoel van vervreemding is een belangrijk thema in het werk van Salimah Gablan. Met humor en nieuwsgierigheid speelt ze met vorm en vervorming. Door te vouwen vertaalt ze
uiterlijke schijn naar het verhaal van haar innerlijke wereld.

Maarten Kools

Clair-obscur is het eerste waar je aandenkt als je de fotografie van Maarten Kools bestudeert. Zowel in z’n portretten als in z’n stillevens draait het om contrast. Het toont een wereld die echt lijkt, maar niet de onze is. “van schilderij naar werkelijkheid, van fotografie naar schilderij” is het uitgangspunt voor de fotografie die in deze serie wordt getoond.



Photo exhibition

12 mar. – 18 mar. 2022
 Saturday 12 march from 14:00h – 19:00h

Bas andries is a cameraman and photographer. Each photo tells its own story, based on universal themes such as love and seduction or personal memories of the photographer.
The quality of these magical underwater compositions is partly determined by light, reflection and darkness. This you find also in the series of floral still lifes. Andries refers to the 17th century masters of Dutch and Flemish painting. Everything is real, nothing is ‘photoshopped’. 






MONDAY TO SATURDAY:   12:00 - 18:00

SATURDAY :   12:00 - 20:00
SUNDAY:   12:00 - 17:00

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